Mrs Libby Worrell

DTeach (Early Childhood Education)

Libby is a Senior Educational Consultant at the Association of Independent Schools of South Australia (AISSA), specialising in early childhood education and care.

In 1986 she began her career as an educator in a non-government childcare centre, becoming the proprietor of the business in 1990. She was then director at another childcare centre before taking leave to care for her young family.

In 2003 Libby returned to the workforce, accepting a role as a classroom teacher at St Peter’s Girls’ School and then as an early childhood educator at St Andrew’s ELC. In 2006 she moved to Wilderness School as an early childhood coordinator in the early learning centre, becoming ELC director in 2010. Libby was appointed as the head of junior school at Wilderness in 2011 and moved to the Association of Independent Schools of South Australia in 2017.

In her role at AISSA, Libby provides advice and support for school leaders, teachers, and educators to effectively implement the National Quality Framework to meet the National Quality Standards. She supports schools to provide high-quality teaching and learning and effective transition for children commencing their first years of school.

Term end date
Libby Worrell
Libby Worrell, board member