Welcome to new staff

New staff members: Carolyn Hussey, Natalie Byrnes, Udani Wickramasiri, Dinah Lance, Kerren Grant and Tenille Hewlett.

Welcome to new staff

04 February 2020

Six new authorised officers have joined the Education Standards Board.

Natalie Byrnes and Udani Wickramasiri started in September 2019. Dinah Lance, Kerren Grant and Tenille Hewlett joined in January, while Carolyn Hussey starts this month.

All have extensive qualifications and experience in the early childhood sector.

Natalie and Udani have completed their authorised officer training. They are already visiting services for assessment, rating and monitoring.

The other new authorised officers are set to complete their training in March.

Udani said she had been enjoying “visiting different services and building stronger relationships” with them.

Kerren said she was looking forward to seeing the “great work” services are doing and “working alongside services” to share her knowledge, experience and skills.